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Inspiration Summer: VBS ROCKS!

I know we’re all starting to get ready for Back to School (yay! I almost bought a .50 cent pack of coloring pencils at HEB … for ME! Lol!)

But it’s still summer (double yay!) And if you’re like me, you’re trying to keep the kids entertained (mine are 10 and 6 years old). We’re also trying to not spend too much money. And ideally, whatever we do is something that will be good for them. Of course, it also has to be as much fun as possible! (No pressure!)

This blog post is part of my Inspiration Summer series. I’m trying to be purposeful during these long, hot days. My goal is to not waste the summer mindlessly on video games or Netflix, but to really squeeze the most out of it and surround my home and my family with inspiration.

Music is a big part of our family and we love playing worship music and other favorite tunes. We even curated a special Inspiration Summer Spotify Playlist that you can check out!

We also love Bible verses! And I’ve been working on ways to display more of those around our home, just to make sure the tone of what’s going on at home is peaceful, inspirational … and of course, fun!

The music and Bible verses around the house parts are things we can keep going year-round (and that’s also the plan!) But there are some things that make an Inspirational Summer even cooler … but they only come around once a year. And VBS is one of those things.

Just in case you’re not familiar with VBS, it stands for Vacation Bible School. And if you’re picturing kids sitting in a church, bored to tears … um, maybe you haven’t been to a VBS recently!
At my church, Second Baptist, VBS (and VBX — which takes VBS to a more awesome and extreme level for the 4th and 5th graders) is so much fun, my kids literally don’t mind doing two weeks of the SAME THING at different church campuses!

It’s like when you love a concert by your favorite band and can’t wait to see them again? Kind of like that. It’s awesome!

If you have kids in elementary school (K-5th grade), seriously look into VBS if you can! Many times it’s FREE and although I’m partial to the incredible production and passion that goes into VBS at my church, Second Baptist Church, you can find a VBS at a church close to you … and rock your kids’ summer!!!


They’re going to think you’re a pretty cool mom for hooking them up with so much coolness. 😉


P. S. VBS at Second Baptist Church is still going on next week, July 25th-28th!

And the Houston City Moms Blog put together a super helpful list as well (there are a few VBS dates left in July and the 1st week of August!) It was helpful for me last year as well, so go ahead and save these links for next year (if your kiddos are still young enough to enjoy VBS!)

Thanks for reading my blog!
