Site icon Coppelia Marie

Mission Monday 

My friend Cara has the biggest heart of anyone I know. 

Part of her heart belongs to kids in Kenya. These sweet kids live in the slum of Kibera, located in Nairobi, Kenya. 

Cara will have the opportunity to go back to her beloved Africa in 2017 and visit those precious kids, continuing the work she feels God has called her to do.

When Cara goes back to Kenya next year, just like she has done with trips in the past, she wants to bless the kids! Here, she shares what they’ve done on previous trips:

In the past we have provided small bears to provide comfort, shoes to protect their little feet, uniforms that are required to attend school and last year we were able to bring them 237 portable, renewable Luci lights.  

Kids in the U.S. just wrapped up the school year and are happy to leave books & studying behind to enjoy summer vacation!

But for these kids in Kenya, a gift of books can mean the difference between being impoverished and being empowered.

And here’s the cool thing: YOU can help!

Cara has set up a Go Fund Me page so we can all help provide much needed textbooks to the kids in Kenya. Every little bit helps!

The books they have are shared between groups of 4 to 5 kids and are old and tattered.

If you’re anything like me, I love new books! I love library books! There is something about books that makes you dream, learn, grow and become a better person.

New books for these kids can give them a glimpse into how bright their future can be.
I agree with Cara that education is the key to ending poverty.

And I love that 100% of your donation will go towards providing these much needed textbooks to the students in Kibera.

Cara’s trip in 2017 is with New Hope Initiative. With your help, I believe it can be one of their most amazing, most life-changing trips ever, bringing textbooks, promoting a life-long love of books and learning, and sharing the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for checking this out today! Be sure to let Cara know you found out about her through my blog,  You can connect with her on her Go Fund Me page.

Now let’s go make our world better!

