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What time is it? SUMMERTIME!

Yeah, school’s out and I can’t help but think of that High School Musical song, “What time is it? SUMMERTIME! It’s my vacation!”

My son just finished 4th grade and is going to be the BIG KID in Elementary School this fall when he starts 5th grade! YIKES! He’s getting so big! And my daughter just … finished … Kindergarten. She started as a sweet little baby girl, and now she’s getting ready to be a big 1st grader!!! AAAHHHH!!! It’s crazy and exciting to see them grow up. And they’re super excited that school is finally out (today was the official last day) and it really is summertime!


I probably have had that song stuck in my head because the Disney Channel played all their original D-Coms (Disney Comedies) … all 100 of them,  over Memorial Day weekend, including the High School Musical trilogy! Gotta admit, some of those songs are CATCHY! LOL! And if you find yourself wanting to watch the movies, feel free to check out my affiliate link below! If you click and buy, at no extra cost to you, I get a small commission. Thanks!

So, here we are, at the end of the school year, celebrating! And honestly, as I look back, this school year 2015-2016 was amazing! I had hoped and prayed for great teachers, and those prayers were answered better than I could have imagined.

Not only did my kids have the coolest teachers ever (shoutouts to Mrs. Kammerdiener, Mrs. Adkins (in the photo with my son) and Mrs. Curtis!), but I feel like they learned a lot and grew physically, spiritually and emotionally this school year.

They made new friends (and are now hounding me constantly about setting up playdates and sleepovers! I love it!)

They had opportunities to grow in leadership and service, like my son, applying and getting accepted as an Ambassador for the next school year! (I’m such a proud mom!)

They got to show their fun and artistic side! I loved the 50s-themed Kindergarten program! The teachers did a fantastic job and the kids all looked so stinkin’ cute!

And they got to show their competitive athletic side at events like the Derby Day! It was awesome to be there and see all the kids running around, trying out the hula hoop tic tac toe, the giant football toss and just having fun, being active outside.

We are the CHAMPIONS! 

I’m thankful to God that He answered so many prayers this school year. It was a really great one! Here’s to an awesome summer and (before we know it) back-to-school shopping! (Yeah, I get excited about that, too!) 😀

Love (and summer fun),
