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A mom’s prayer for her son on his 13th birthday

A mom's prayer for her son's 13th birthday lighter

(I can’t believe my papi is a TEENAGER! WOW! I’m sharing a special blog today, just for him, on this special milestone birthday. Thanks for reading this mom’s prayer for her son on his 13th birthday & helping me celebrate my little guy! ~Coppelia)

A mom’s prayer for her son on his 13th birthday (teenage years, here we come!)

Heavenly Father,

How do I say thank you for the amazing gift that You have given me in my son, Christopher? Today, on his 13th birthday, I can’t help but say Thank You for every day you’ve given us with him, and thank you for the exciting future that we pray is up ahead!

Thank you for the way you fearfully and wonderfully formed him in my womb … and the fun way he made me eat more ketchup than fries and more cheese than pizza (I’ll file that under #weirdcravings!)

Father, I thank you that you kept him in there “cooking” long enough to go past the due date and allow us a fun extra weekend in San Francisco!

This was us coming back to San Francisco about a year later, with the abuelos (grandparents!)

I also thank you for keeping us safe through a scary emergency c-section and through the challenges of breastfeeding and being a new mom.

Baby Christopher had the cutest smiles! Thank you for giving us such a happy baby!

And then, he started growing up…

As he grew and went from crawling to walking (for a quick second) to running (his preferred mode of transportation), thank you for always watching over him in parking lots and malls.

Thank you, Lord, for preparing him to welcome his baby sister and making him the BEST (and silliest) big brother ever!

We also thank you, God, for bringing us from California to Texas, just in time for Christopher to have the BEST Kindergarten teacher EVER!

Father, you brought many new friends into Christopher’s life and it was a JOY to see him go from Tae Kwon Do white belt to black belt. It was fun to watch him thrive on the field, playing soccer and football. And it was exciting (and nerve-wracking) to help him pack for his very first summer camp away from home. Thank you, Lord, for watching over him in every season and every sport (and for giving little sister time to be silly herself! lol!)

Before we knew it, Lord, you blessed Christopher with an amazing 5th grade, his last year in elementary school! We watched him dress up for his “Manners Luncheon” and heard one of the moms say that the girls were fighting over who would get Christopher because he was one of the few boys who were “nice” and “normal.” (Thank you for those answered prayers! Daddy and I felt so proud of our Papi!)

More milestones!

And then we blinked and, Lord, there you were, guiding Christopher as he went through middle school orientation (and I could hardly believe it!) And then, just one year later, he made his school basketball “A” team! WOW! Thank You, Lord!


Today is a very special day, as we celebrate Christopher turning 13 and beginning a new season as a teenager. (A TEENAGER!) YIKES! Lol! Ready or not, Lord, here we are! There’s a new road up ahead for Christopher and we can’t wait to see all the adventures You have in store for him!

There are many things I could ask for as Christopher turns 13: protection, blessing, favor, guidance, good friends, wisdom and success. I would love, God, for my son to enjoy all that and more. But more than anything, I pray that He will know how much You love him, Lord. I pray that he’ll know how much his dad and I love him, and how much his sister and our extended family (abuelos, tios, primos, etc.) love him. We are so proud of the young man he is becoming. I pray that he will love you, Lord, with all his heart, soul, mind and strength and love his neighbor as himself.

If we can get that right throughout the teenage years, I think we’ll do ok. But only with your help, Lord.

Thank You, Father, for hearing this mom’s prayer, from her heart. And for helping me love and guide Christopher the way You know he will need.

Laughing thru life, with all the love in my heart,
